Clinical Evidence

Information about how SRAVI has been evaluated

Hospital Trials

Evidence for SRAVI trials is ongoing at five hospital groups across the UK and US.

News: Study finds that SRAVI lip-reading app makes patients’ lives easier

BELFAST, NORTHERN IRELAND – 20 November 2023 – A Real World Validation (RWV) study has been concluded in the North of England, comprising a joint effort between UCLAN, Liopa, and Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

The study tested the efficacy of using the SRAVI lip-reading app in a real-world NHS hospital environment. Hospital clinicians have been using SRAVI since 2020 with their patients at Royal Preston Hospital’s ICU and high-dependency units. A small number of these clinicians completed a questionnaire to assess whether SRAVI is effective at enabling easier and more accurate communication between voice impaired patients, healthcare staff and carers/family members.

Read the full press release here

Request a copy of the report here

Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

10th July 2023 - Publication in Critical Care Journal

"A user evaluation of speech/phrase recognition software in critically ill patients: a DECIDE-AI feasibility study"

Read the full study here

Vanderbilt Hospital (Nashville, TN, USA)

A feasibility study is now underway at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, located in Nashville, Tennessee, with Liopa’s SRAVI lipreading app. The study began in October 2022 and will run through the first half of 2023.

In this pilot trial, SRAVI's lipreading ability is being tested with patients who have undergone a total laryngectomy (TL), or complete removal of the voice box.

Read the full study here

Altnagelvin NHS Hospital (Londonderry, Northern Ireland)

In collaboration with Queen’s University Belfast, a trial of SRAVI with ICU patients has been on-going since 2022. The project is led by investigator Professor Bronagh Blackwood and Staff Nurse/PhD Researcher Carla McClintock.

SRAVI will be offered to as many as 55 patients as a communications aid during their stay in critical care units.

The study will entail SRAVI being brought into Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry/Londonderry. Following this initial trial the study will commence at two Belfast sites, City Hospital and Royal Victoria Hospital, where it will be used with ICU patients as well as Head and Neck Cancer patients.

Read more information about the study here

Case Studies

Nathan Armstrong

Nathan has experienced having a tracheostomy and understands how valuable SRAVI can be.

Read Nathan's Case Study

Dr. Shondipon Laha

Shond is a consultant at Lancashire Teaching Hospital's Trust. Read about his experience with SRAVI.

Read Shond's Case Study